There are mixed opinions about the new campus food provider. For the most part, the reviews range between horrible and meh… not that bad. I think that last year’s food provider Sodexo was way better ...
It’s that time of the year again, my favorite season. No, I don’t mean Halloween. I’m a political science nerd- and it’s election season (though I do love Halloween). This election is exciting for me; ...
When “Cupid Shuffle” came on at Kappa Sig Emo night, I was a little confused at first. Then everyone huddled together on the dance floor, one mob stepping to the left, to the left, to ...
Missed ACL? Here’s the rundown… In the weeks leading up to ACL, I continuously heard comments about the lineup “sucking this year.” This was mostly from devout trap listeners of course. As for myself, a ...
The most expensive disease in the United States is not what you think it may be: cancer. It is Alzheimer’s Disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disease that tends to affect people who are older in age. ...
ACL is a place where I have always felt at home. I have attended the past eight ACLs; so I have observed the slow death of what the festival used to be. The outfits festival-goers ...
It was 5:30AM. I finally made it through airport security, ordered my Starbucks grande iced latte, and located gate A3. Now all I had to do was relax, read, and sip on my ice-cold coffee ...
The polarizing political atmosphere within Texas has begun to increase as the November 8th, 2022 general election approaches. Hundreds of candidates are competing for a variety of state offices in the Texas executive, legislative, and ...
*Trigger Warning: This article contains content related to sexual assault and rape. On July 15, 2022, Sony Pictures released Where the Crawdads Sing, a mystery thriller drama based on Delia Owens’s 2018 novel. The story, ...
Have you noticed a furry bundle lurking somewhere between Mood-Bridwell and the Welcome Center? Or maybe near the door to your room at the Lord’s Center? Chances are that you spotted Ziggy, Patches, or one ...