Recently, some students told me of their encounter with a gentleman who was holding a Confederate flag in the Georgetown Square and sharing that he was celebrating Confederate History Month (CHM). While I am ecstatic ...
The last few weeks of school are nothing but stressful in preparation for finals for some people and graduation for others. From endless amounts of caffeinated drinks to pulling all-nighters in the library, students are ...
Tenure track Professors receiving tenure will receive permanent teaching positions and professors denied tenures are offered a terminal year to relocate to position outside of Southwestern. Upon beginning a teaching position at a university, faculty ...
To: President Edward Burger, Status Committee, Board of Trustees, Board of Visitors, Dean Jaime Woody, Student Body, Alumni, and Faculty We are writing to express our frustration and shock that Dr. Carina Evans Hoffpauir and ...
Courtesy of Paige Duggins To President Burger and the Administration of Southwestern University: I write to you today with confusion, disappointment, and outrage. I came to Southwestern with the promise of diversity and inclusion in ...
On March 28th, hundreds of students at Southwestern took part in one big day of giving back to the Georgetown community. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”10″ gal_title=”The Big Event”]
By Javi Fuentes 6:15AM. My alarm duly goes off and I try to stumble out of bed without waking up my roommate. It is March 28, the day a team of others and myself have ...
Photo courtesy of the Huffington Post By Amy Gu To continue recent discussions about sexual assault, a team of faculty, staff and students are planning a screening and teach-in of the documentary, The Hunting Ground. The screening ...
By Jennifer Layer Breaking records is not something often heard of on Southwestern University’s campus. However, last year one record fell, twice. It wasn’t a team. It was just one person. Will Devine, a sophomore, ...
By Jayden Beatty She describes her first slam to be exhilarating. A place where time ceased to exist and where she experienced a wholly unique and addictive rush. The poem was called Microphone Fiend and ...