By: Clara McMichael If one walks around Southwestern, they will see memorialization of Texas’ racial history – from the cannons in front of the Kappa Alpha fraternity house, to the permanent exhibit of Civil War memorabilia on ...
Photo By: Erica Cheng By: Devon Bradley The most wonderful time of the year is almost upon us again: finals week. You probably thought by this point, you would have caught on to the material in lecture. ...
By: Michelle Hershberger ‘Always a bridesmaid, never a bride,’ brought on new meaning for a Southwestern student who stood up for a record breaking 18 SU women who were married in a single day, part ...
By: Bobby Meyer A typo was recently discovered in the message sent out by President Burger’s office in February announcing the increase in cost for the 2016-2017 academic year. Specifically, the 34% price increase planned by ...
Photo By: Erica Cheng By: Amari Bethel April Fools’ Day is right around the corner, which means that you still have a few days to plan. April Fools’ consists of different groups of people; those ...
By: Natalie DeCesare To Whom It May Concern: As a representative of the Campaign for Academia Neutrality (CAN), I would like to invite your campus to explore CAN’s activism. Our team has helped countless higher education ...
By: CatHosch “You kids don’t know how good you’ve got it,” said Anne Bonney, a senior citizen living in the retirement community outside Georgetown. Bonney graduated when it was still scandalous for women to show their ...
Photo by: Amari Bethel By: Cat Hosch This past week, DC released another movie in their abundant Superman franchise, “Superman Versus Batman.” This movie was completely original, nearly departing entirely from every other depiction of ...
Photo by: Erica Cheng By: Sam Russek Diversity is an important topic to students and faculty alike on campus. Without different student backgrounds, the exchange of ideas that this university has always prided itself on ...
Photo by: Amari Bethel By: Bonnie Lambert There has been much upheaval in the Fine Arts sphere over the past few weeks in regards to the number of out-of-class rehearsals these students attend. A general ...