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By: Nick Hurter Over the past year, a video of a girl went viral. The video showed a few seconds each day of a red haired girl in England, from one birthday to another. It ...
By Rachel Holm On June 26, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that state bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional, prompting an infantile and unsurprising but ultimately incorrect from some of Texas’s most ...
By: Esteban Woo Kee The last issue of the Megaphone reported the Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations that occurred at Southwestern from September 15th to October 15th. As alumni return to campus for homecoming weekend, they ...
By: Bobby Meyer The Southwestern University Police Department (SUPD) has been promoting its bicycle registration system for the beginning of the 2015-2016 academic year. Aimed at students with their own privately owned bicycles on campus, ...
By Emily Booher If you’re a stickler for ambiance, a Purity Ring show is something right up your alley. Amongst showers of lights suspended from either side of the stage, high tech music gear, and ...
Operation Achievement provides Southwestern students with the opportunity to work with the people they were not too long ago—junior high students. The program has existed at Southwestern for 29 years. OA is a partnership between ...
By Jayden Beatty She woke up early every morning to do something she loved. Unlike many her age who spent their summers behind a TV or computer screen, her days were filled with weeding, general ...
Each morning and afternoon of April, Colonel Shelby K. Little wears an imitated Confederate uniform and displays three Confederate flags in front of the Williamson County Courthouse. Little educates individuals about Confederate history during the ...
By Andrew Kevin Pratt Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) recently hosted their annual banquet and award ceremony to highlight the excellence of Southwestern leaders and athletes. One of the awards went out to two athletes for ...
By Matt A. Gonzales When Spring Break comes around, most people think partying on the beach. It is a week vacation from all school activities. However, to some fall athletes, it is the sense of ...