SU’s Legendary Tales Come to Life

Photo by Michelle Hershberger
By Catherine Buckley
Fast approaching is the annual event and extravaganza SING!, presented by Student Foundation. Participants are made up of various student organizations, each performing song and dance routines lasting about six minutes each. This year’s theme is Southwestern’s Legendary Tales.
“The theme is open to tall tales, fairy tales and tales of times gone by,” Student Foundation Planning Chair Sarah Surgeoner said.
The theme of SING! is purposefully broad, in order to allow for a wide range of interpretations.
“It can be about Southwestern but it doesn’t have to be,” Co-coordinator John Gramza said. “It can just happen at Southwestern [or] be about its history.”
In previous years, SING! has fallen farther back in the semester. This year it is on Feb. 13, coinciding with Spring Family Day.
With the event falling so early, many of this year’s participants are scrambling to get everything together in time. That being said, SING! has a track record as a hectic event, which contributes to the overall excitement of the show.
“Sailors and Siren is really excited to perform,” president Julia McDonald said. “We were surprised by winning second place last year but I know we are going to work just as hard again this year and see where it gets us.”
Among the groups participating for the first time is APO.
“[We] won’t really know what the audience is like,” APO SING! Representative Miriam Richards said. “Since [we’ve] never really done it [we] have a ton of ideas of stuff to do.”
No matter the outcome, this year’s SING! should be quite entertaining. Considering the broad theme, there are sure to be some imaginative takes on Southwestern’s Legendary Tales. The fraternities are always entertaining and give the audience something to look forward to. Alpha Delta Pi, who won first place last year, and Zeta Tau Alpha, who won the People’s Choice Best Overall, are ones to look out for. All-in-all it’s shaping up to be legendary.
“We’re really excited to see the directions people take it in and how they interpret it,” SING! Co-coordinator Najmu Mohseen said.
Students are given one free ticket. Tickets may be picked up Feb. 10, 11, and 12 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5-7:30 p.m. on the Concourse in McCombs Campus Center.