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By Dani Ferebee An apple a day keeps the bad grades away It turns the clouds into a bright, sunny day I want good grades, you know my stance On the the statue named Monstrance ...
You’re placing food on a sculpture worth more than 25,000 dollars. Finals week is the craziest, most packed time of the year for college students everywhere. Fueled by Starbucks, Red Bull, and a plethora of ...
I arrived at Louis Perkins chapel at 5:01 pm on December 1st, a few minutes late for my 4:55 pm call time to perform in the Candlelight Service. The warmth of the space engulfed me ...
The greenery is so bright it’s yellow. Like the sunlight can’t make up its mind. On the clearest days, all that can be seen is gold. So pure in itself nothing that can taint its ...
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Rape and Sexual Assault Movie Rating: R She Said is a drama film about the story of New York Times journalists Jodi Kantor (played by Zoe Kazan) and Megan Twohey (played ...
An Ode To Modern Communication If I responded to all my text messages and emails— I literally wouldn’t do anything else. Emails sent at 11:59 pm used to be considered unprofessional; now it signals dedication. ...
A poem by Danielle Ferebee Pacing back and forward, a loud pounding in my head Sighing, crying, lying wide awake in my unmade bed The totality of a single moment, lasts an entire lifetime Page ...
What image comes to mind when you picture Black Friday? My family never participated in Black Friday shopping while I was growing up, but I always had a very vivid mental image of the American ...
Thanksgiving is a time to indulge— so please do so! From the pies to the bready side dishes, to every rich sauce known to man, the entire meal is chock full of mouthwatering foods. BUT— ...
Long before The Karens waved their keto wands and masterfully crafted the paleo pumpkin pie, and the Soccer Moms took cutesy photos of bonnet cladden babies posed as pilgrims, Thanksgiving was an actual, historical occasion. ...