By Chloe Lu What was your favorite Christmas gift in 2015? How about the most memorable one you ever received? Bose headphones? The trendy coat? For me, I did something stylish this year. I visited ...
By Emily Booher For most people, an evening of 40 degree weather means staying in with Netflix and takeout. But for Austinites, it’s no different than any other night, and the show actually does go ...
Photo by Michelle Hershberger By Clara McMichael It was twilight outside the Williamson County Courthouse as Georgetown residents in sweeping Civil War-era dresses and starched uniforms entered the building for the “Old South Ball: A ...
Photo Courtesy of SU Athletics. By: Julie Swets Time to compete. That is the theme for this season as the Pirate Women’s Tennis Team gets ready for the Spring season. After adding three fresh faces ...
Photo courtesy of By: Amy Gu I planned to spend this past winter break exploring the roots I came from, my roots being immigrants fleeing their home country just for the selfless wish that ...
Whatthewha t, Thank you for your letter. We appreciate your participation in the conversations that take place in the Megaphone, and have considered your concerns regarding cultural appropriation. As promised, we will publish your letter ...
Sent to the editors under the pseudonym Whatthewha t Morality is such a fickle thing to discuss, at times; on one hand, we designate that certain actions are morally intolerable simply because they are actions ...
By: Andrew Pratt The Southwestern University Football team has a new home. Announced earlier today, the Pirates, along with the Texas Lutheran Bulldogs will become football affiliates to the American Southwest Conference (ASC). The affiliation ...
By: Banafsheh Madaninejad, part-time assistant professor of religion It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that some of our most profound moral insights come not from theory but from experience. Consider the case of Jewish refugees ...
SU students will participate in a climate march to raise awareness of the upcoming Paris Climate Summit on Saturday. The march will be around the Georgetown square from 12-12:30 pm. It will be held in ...