2016 was a challenging year for many, shaping the world in ways that have both divided and unified us. However, there is one unifying force transcends all barriers (physical or not): music. Here’s a recap ...
Conference is quickly approaching for both the Pirate men’s and women’s Swim Teams. The countdown has officially started, and is less than a week and a half away. With a long lasting season, starting in ...
The squeak of sneakers echo across the gym. Time ticks down and the alarm sounds, shaking the exuberant spectators from their seats. The Southwestern Pirates have won! The exhausted players jog back to their team, ...
Before arriving at Southwestern for the fall semester of my first year, I dealt with massive anxiety about what awaited me in college. Would I be able to succeed in classes? Would I make friends ...
President Burger is absolutely iconic. It’s a rare occurrence on most college campuses to ever see the president, but Burger spends a lot of time on campus interacting with students and other faculty members. Here ...
By: Sherlyn Ong The basketball season started with a blast at the tipoff. In addition to the amazing women and men’s basketball teams, the free pizza, free t-shirts and the prize of free Cane’s for ...
By: Andrew Kevin Pratt The Southwestern University Volleyball team continues to excel this season. This past weekend, the Pirates claimed the NCAA West Regional Championship title, after defeating host school, the University of Texas-Dallas, in ...
By Julie Swets On November 5, Georgetown’s Birkelbach Field filled with electrifying energy and pride as the Southwestern Pirates captured the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference (SCAC) Championship, defeating Trinity 20-7. Southwestern jumped to an early ...
By: Lanie Tunnell It’s the most wonderful time of the year. You head home to be welcomed by a barrage of food you didn’t scavenge in the commons. However, hibernating in a food coma all ...
By: Amy Gu Students and professors sit along the perimeter of the Academic Mall in silent protest of statements such as “Build a Wall,” “no safe spaces,” and “Trump 2k15” chalked onto various sites on ...