Dr. Francis Asbury Mood was the founder and first President of Southwestern University. Some Southwestern students find it concerning that his name appears on several Confederate States of America records. America’s Confederate history provokes controversy ...
For everyone who runs out of Chunch leftovers by Tuesday night, you will be pleased to know that Grace Episcopal hosts a free, monthly dinner by the name of “Grace Meals for SU”. It’s a ...
Prominent politicians throughout the state of Texas, whether incumbent or challenger, have begun to mobilize ahead of the November 8th, 2022 Midterm Election. Voters have begun the process of weighing their options as candidates have ...
Greek life is part of the American cuIt classic experience because it provides an encounter like no other. There is a spot for everyone in Southwestern’s University’s Greek community. You should rush Southwestern Greek life ...
Hey Southwestern, aren’t we in the 21st century? The 2020’s? At this point in time WiFi is essential, especially for us students. Everyone has some sort of technology— whether it’s a cell phone, tablet, computer, ...
It’s October 31st – the one night of the year when Wonder Woman, a goblin, and a firefighter can all attend the same party, and somehow fit the same theme. The possibilities for Halloween costumes ...
On Friday, September 23rd, I attended the Marshall Project’s panel Death Penalty in a Pro-life State the Texas Tribune Fest. There were two Texas legislators on the panel who are both in support of reforming ...
We all know that one person who says, “My study abroad trip changed my life!!!”Although I am not that person, studying abroad did have a great impact on me, and I highly recommend my SU ...
College students at Southwestern University have varied responses to the ramifications that the recent Biden administration announcement could have on their college loans. On August 24th, 2022 the Biden administration announced a plan to provide ...
There I was, sitting on the sidewalk near I-35 and Red River Street. No, I’m not a hungover UT student on their way to class. I’m in line for pit tickets for the Harry Styles ...