On September 26, one of the feral cats, Madeline, at Southwestern University was killed by an anonymous student’s dog. Around 5:15 that evening, Madeline was on the porch at Korouva Milk Bar when the dog, ...
This year I am renting a house in Georgetown. It is the first time that I’ve lived in this kind of housing situation and while there are many things I love about it, I can’t ...
When you hear the name “Jesus Christ” and you immediately think of groovy 70s aesthetics in a desert, then you probably know of the timeless musical “Jesus Christ Superstar.” In celebration of its 50th anniversary, ...
Tom Morin’s photography exhibit, titled 25 for the twenty-five years it spans, is visiting the Sarofim Fine Arts Gallery until Nov. 12. On Fri., Oct. 18, Morin visited campus to present the exhibit to a ...
A solo gallery exhibition featuring the photography of Tom Morin, Southwestern alumni, will showcase from Oct. 3 to Nov. 12 at the Sarofim Fine Arts Gallery. The gallery is open Tues.-Sun. from 12 p.m. to ...
Beautiful weather welcomed artists and tourists alike this weekend to the Annual Texas Clay Festival located in the popular Gruene Historical District of New Braunfuels. Strolling past the local antique store and hundred-year-old historic dance ...
Weekend 2 of ACL kicked off October 11 once the gates opened at 11 am. Friday was filled with over 30 artists and performers with headliners like Tame Impala and Guns N’ Roses performing last ...
The energy at Korouva Milk Bar is both relaxed and bursting with creative energy. It is a small space crowded filled with student artwork and opinion pieces, run by a team of open-hearted and accepting ...
Students weighed in on the matter at the Presidential Search Listening Session on October 16 in the Olin lecture hall. Susan Pierce, Southwestern’s third-party presidential search consultant, was available to take questions, comments and concerns ...
it seems an infinite back-and-forthwhere we leech off of her lifesince the moment of our birthwe cry out and plunge our knives we emerge from her weary wombto turn around and stab her throughwe look ...