An Ode To Modern Communication If I responded to all my text messages and emails— I literally wouldn’t do anything else. Emails sent at 11:59 pm used to be considered unprofessional; now it signals dedication. ...
A poem by Danielle Ferebee Pacing back and forward, a loud pounding in my head Sighing, crying, lying wide awake in my unmade bed The totality of a single moment, lasts an entire lifetime Page ...
What image comes to mind when you picture Black Friday? My family never participated in Black Friday shopping while I was growing up, but I always had a very vivid mental image of the American ...
Thanksgiving is a time to indulge— so please do so! From the pies to the bready side dishes, to every rich sauce known to man, the entire meal is chock full of mouthwatering foods. BUT— ...
Long before The Karens waved their keto wands and masterfully crafted the paleo pumpkin pie, and the Soccer Moms took cutesy photos of bonnet cladden babies posed as pilgrims, Thanksgiving was an actual, historical occasion. ...
Welcome to The Megaphone! I am Gerald and I’ll be your host for this evening. Tonight we are counting down our picks for the top seven political topics to mention at Thanksgiving Dinner: 7. Why ...
On November 8th nationwide, voters went to the polls for the United States 2022 midterm elections – including Southwestern University students. That day, SU Votes held an Election Day Festival for students on campus complete ...
A poem by Danielle Ferebee What should be delicious liquid gold Is crusty, solid, and bitterly cold The currency at which we trade our souls Buys us nothing of value, not even food over hot ...
Every time I exit my car in the Brown-Cody parking lot, ear piercing sounds ring into my skull. A dissonant chorus of squawks and squeaks and chirps sound around me. My heart starts to race, ...
In the name of progress… Family is only family in regards to cost-effective plans— On the various platforms like Netflix and Hulu , Family is no longer about who is sitting near you—At the dining ...