it seems an infinite back-and-forthwhere we leech off of her lifesince the moment of our birthwe cry out and plunge our knives we emerge from her weary wombto turn around and stab her throughwe look ...
When I was younger, I had a relationship with a man well into his twenties. Our relationship was extremely secretive and at the time I thought I was lucky and mature. It was not until ...
The following are word-for-word transcriptions of interviews conducted with Southwestern University students who have experienced homophobia on campus. Edits for the sake of clarity were made and placed in brackets. While the Megaphone is aware ...
In my senior year of high school, one of the discs in my spine developed a severe herniation, resulting in chronic nerve pain and loss of mobility in my back and extending down my left ...
Through my teen years, I quickly became confident in my identity as a queer person. My sexuality was something hard to label and explain, so for my own comfort, I ditched those concepts and just ...