An Ode To Modern Communication If I responded to all my text messages and emails— I literally wouldn’t do anything else. Emails sent at 11:59 pm used to be considered unprofessional; now it signals dedication. ...
Thanksgiving is a time to indulge— so please do so! From the pies to the bready side dishes, to every rich sauce known to man, the entire meal is chock full of mouthwatering foods. BUT— ...
Long before The Karens waved their keto wands and masterfully crafted the paleo pumpkin pie, and the Soccer Moms took cutesy photos of bonnet cladden babies posed as pilgrims, Thanksgiving was an actual, historical occasion. ...
The first time you walk into a Goodwill can be overwhelming. There’s so much stuff it’s easy to turn around and never come back. I’m going to give you a rundown of dos and don’ts ...
Hookup Culture leaves you hanging. Strobe lights, red solo cups, faded polaroids, and an embarrassing amount of Soulja Boy lyrics. Although Southwestern frat parties vastly differ from cult-classic party scenes like the toga party in ...
In the era of Tinder, Bumble, and Match among a plethora of other platforms you’d think finding the one, or at least a cuddle partner would be ridiculously easy. The digital age gives us the ...
For everyone who runs out of Chunch leftovers by Tuesday night, you will be pleased to know that Grace Episcopal hosts a free, monthly dinner by the name of “Grace Meals for SU”. It’s a ...
Greek life is part of the American cuIt classic experience because it provides an encounter like no other. There is a spot for everyone in Southwestern’s University’s Greek community. You should rush Southwestern Greek life ...
It’s October 31st – the one night of the year when Wonder Woman, a goblin, and a firefighter can all attend the same party, and somehow fit the same theme. The possibilities for Halloween costumes ...
We all know that one person who says, “My study abroad trip changed my life!!!”Although I am not that person, studying abroad did have a great impact on me, and I highly recommend my SU ...