On September 13, 2021, at the sunset on the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, luxury cars came rolling up to the red carpet, and celebrities in designer dresses stepped into the flashing ...
The bra is the modern day corset– hear me out! Currently we wonder: “Why did women aspire to have creepily tiny abdomens? Often breaking ribs to attain a wrist sized waist?” “Why did young girls ...
If you haven’t watched the explosive tell-all interview by Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, surely, you’ve seen the memes. The now infamous one-liner delivered by Oprah, “Were you silent or were you silenced?” made the ...
The dandelions swayed in the gentle breeze as the audience soaked up the remainder of the waning sunshine, sprawled out among their distanced blankets politely murmuring amongst themselves. Needless to say, the audience’s wishes were ...
Greg Abbott ended the Texas mask mandate on March 13th, just in time for us to enjoy Spring Break. Oh, wait, Southwestern does not have one this year. Oh well! We can stay in the ...
Attention all SU athletes, Water Curling tryouts will take place today at the Robertson Center Pool at 7 pm. SU is looking for new athletes to start the official Water Curling team of the college. ...
Much is known about esteemed 16th President of Southwestern University Skandera Trombley, but what many fail to realize is there is still much we do not know. One’s true character can’t be determined until we ...
COVID-19, aside from being one of the worst humanitarian crises of our generation, has long been dubbed “God’s curse on beautiful people”. In a society filled to the brim with beautiful people, where everyone you ...
Did you hear? Mysterious van promising free desserts to freshly eighteen year olds arrives in the parking lot next to freshman dorms! The van comes about once every two weeks. Southwestern administration thought this was ...