The greenery is so bright it’s yellow. Like the sunlight can’t make up its mind. On the clearest days, all that can be seen is gold. So pure in itself nothing that can taint its ...
A poem by Danielle Ferebee Pacing back and forward, a loud pounding in my head Sighing, crying, lying wide awake in my unmade bed The totality of a single moment, lasts an entire lifetime Page ...
A poem by Danielle Ferebee What should be delicious liquid gold Is crusty, solid, and bitterly cold The currency at which we trade our souls Buys us nothing of value, not even food over hot ...
In the name of progress… Family is only family in regards to cost-effective plans— On the various platforms like Netflix and Hulu , Family is no longer about who is sitting near you—At the dining ...
The Gen Z’s protested the new Cove menu (what a surprise) and got their frappuccinos back. On June 1st, 2022, Southwestern switched to a new food provider called Aramark. In an email sent by President ...
This article is a continuation of another article I wrote earlier this semester, titled “Attendance Grades Without Accommodations are Ableism.” My initial idea and first article received a lot of positive feedback, so I decided ...
On September 13, 2021, at the sunset on the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, luxury cars came rolling up to the red carpet, and celebrities in designer dresses stepped into the flashing ...
Just about every Southwestern student seems to have an opinion on the Commons food– and many are unfavorable. Most of us went through orientation week as freshmen with promising food from the Commons, only to ...
With a largely growing student population, a lot of things seem to be changing around campus. There have been renovations, new buildings, and new additions.Yet, one thing that has stayed the same has been the ...
Students weighed in on the matter at the Presidential Search Listening Session on October 16 in the Olin lecture hall. Susan Pierce, Southwestern’s third-party presidential search consultant, was available to take questions, comments and concerns ...