For 150 years, “Little Women” has been a cultural touchstone that defines the way we think about women in literature. Greta Gerwig has breathed life into the story for a new generation, aided by a ...
“Cats” is a difficult movie to review because it is less like a movie and more like an extended crime against humanity—and possibly God—that runs for an hour and fifty minutes. Nevertheless, a discussion of ...
The magic of light and the Arts transformed San Antonio’s Hemisphere plaza Saturday night into a world of wonder and illumination. Each year, over 20,000 visitors come to enjoy art from local, national, and international ...
When the Joker opened up last month, movie goers and theater owners alike, were on alert. The film featuring Batman’s comic-book enemy, the Joker, played by Joaquim Phoenix, is a dark, disturbing character portrayal that ...
The wheel forming ceramics class had a visiting artist, or as he puts it “craftsman”, Ryan McKerley come to do a demonstration. He is also a wheel forming ceramicist, in that the wheel is his ...
Abigail Jendrusch’s senior fall exhibition, “Ungodly”, displays the religion of Catholicism in combination with Carnival life in a unique and powerful art piece. Her exhibit consists of hand sculptured porcelain pieces, with glaze coating tops, ...
Alex Thompson’s photography senior exhibition series titled “Parish” uses line, color, and space in order to bring to life the idea of the natural world and human life merging together. This photographic series reveals the ...
The Southwestern senior art show opening was a success for both Alex Thompson and Abigail Jedrush. Both had a tremendous show of support from fellow students, family members, and friends. Also provided was a pretzel ...
When you hear the name “Jesus Christ” and you immediately think of groovy 70s aesthetics in a desert, then you probably know of the timeless musical “Jesus Christ Superstar.” In celebration of its 50th anniversary, ...