The following are word-for-word transcriptions of interviews conducted with Southwestern University students who have experienced homophobia on campus. Edits for the sake of clarity were made and placed in brackets. While the Megaphone is aware ...
For college students, the issue of campus safety is one that has sparked a conversation. With journalism focusing on which campuses aren’t safe and why, and reports showing the number of incidents and crimes committed ...
Some people have a hard time parting with their possessions. These people are characterized by excessively collecting items or having an inability or unwillingness to discard large quantities of these collections. These collections generally end ...
If the world’s government doesn’t acknowledge climate change and initiate a transition to clean energy sources by 2035, the Earth will pass a point of no return. A case known as Juliana vs. United States ...
Position: The Williamson County Commissioner develops the county budget and allocates tax dollars to the county’s law enforcement, deputy sheriff’s office, jails, roads, bridges, public health services, animal shelters, and transportation. In developing a cohesive ...
Written in conjunction with the Williamson County Sun This Fall semester, Southwestern University will participate in the National campus competition ‘Up to Us.’ The non-partisan campaign, led by juniors Alexis Dimanche, Courtney King and Kirby ...
With the World Series in full action, one question remains on everyone’s mind is “Who will win the world series?” Over the last couple of years baseball has been booming averaging 40 million viewers and ...
While most eyes are focused on the World series, soccer fans all over the world are ready for one thing, El Clasico. With an average viewership of about 650 million possibly climbing eve to 1 ...
In my senior year of high school, one of the discs in my spine developed a severe herniation, resulting in chronic nerve pain and loss of mobility in my back and extending down my left ...
With Halloween around the corner, the people of Georgetown are decorating their homes to get in the spooky spirits. Georgetown is known for its festive livelihood and southern hospitality, so when it’s time for a ...