On November 22, the Multi-Faith Prayer Room had its grand opening on campus. It was held in the Lois Perkins Chapel garden and greek food was provided for everyone who attended. The room has been ...
Just about every Southwestern student seems to have an opinion on the Commons food– and many are unfavorable. Most of us went through orientation week as freshmen with promising food from the Commons, only to ...
With a largely growing student population, a lot of things seem to be changing around campus. There have been renovations, new buildings, and new additions.Yet, one thing that has stayed the same has been the ...
Over the past several months, Austin city officials and state officials have been attempting to resolve the homeless crisis after Governor Greg Abbott disapproved of the city’s decision to decriminalize city camping. This law allows ...
Taking your dog with you everywhere just got a whole lot easier with the new bill that was just passed in Austin. The Texas Senate just passed a bill requiring food establishments to permit dogs ...
The wheel forming ceramics class had a visiting artist, or as he puts it “craftsman”, Ryan McKerley come to do a demonstration. He is also a wheel forming ceramicist, in that the wheel is his ...
Abigail Jendrusch’s senior fall exhibition, “Ungodly”, displays the religion of Catholicism in combination with Carnival life in a unique and powerful art piece. Her exhibit consists of hand sculptured porcelain pieces, with glaze coating tops, ...
Alex Thompson’s photography senior exhibition series titled “Parish” uses line, color, and space in order to bring to life the idea of the natural world and human life merging together. This photographic series reveals the ...
The Southwestern senior art show opening was a success for both Alex Thompson and Abigail Jedrush. Both had a tremendous show of support from fellow students, family members, and friends. Also provided was a pretzel ...
Many of those students living in the Lords and Dorthy-Lords Center apartments may have seen a new neighbor running around campus. A nine-banded armadillo has made its home in the woods around the Southwestern Campus. ...