“Animal Crossing” is probably not what immediately comes to your mind when I say video game. If you are looking for an adrenaline-inducing adventure or a bloody, gory first-person shooter, this game may not be ...
The Gentlemen is not unlike a luxury train wreck; it’s filled with rich British people, stretching out longer than you think is possible, and painful to witness. Guy Ritchie’s new action movie is a far ...
Gretel and Hansel is, obviously, a film based on the age old fairytale. It has been the source of numerous adaptations, most of which fell short of impressive. As a result, I’m starting a petition ...
SING! is one of Southwestern University’s most popular traditions, always drawing huge crowds, and this year was no exception. SING! 2020 was completely sold out several days prior to the event, with students, parents, alumni, ...
Each year, the King Creativity Fund provides financial support to a variety of academic and creative projects undertaken by enrolled Southwestern University students. The fund awards grants ranging from a few hundred to a few ...
Sun has just entered Pisces and our emotions are all over the place. The world is now especially transformative, and this is a time to feel things deeply, and what better way to feel things ...
Fantasy Island was no great treasure. While it could be labeled entertaining, it did not have any unique, redeeming qualities, and when the credits started rolling I was relieved it was over. Set on, you ...
The highest quality piece of media in the Star Wars universe is one that was primarily produced before the Disney purchase in 2012. One that was abruptly cancelled, but still plays a huge role in ...
“I don’t think I could ever play like that.” When Jo Garza was 13 years old, they waited an hour and a half in line at Best Buy to play two minutes worth of Super ...