With one election season right behind us and people already talking of the ones to come, it can seem like our political world is zooming by, and for some of us negatively. It is easy ...
There has been a negative stigma around mental illnesses in our media, news, and daily conversations. Some don’t believe in mental illnesses and dismiss them as simply something one chooses, and others force others to ...
On October 21, 2018 the New York Times broke the news about a leaked memo from the Department of Health and Human services that is attempting to define gender as binary, determined by the genitalia ...
With our recent midterm elections coming to a close, voting season is officially over. News continues to come out about the candidates and people are expressing their excitement or anger at the results. An interesting ...
The following are word-for-word transcriptions of interviews conducted with Southwestern University students who have experienced homophobia on campus. Edits for the sake of clarity were made and placed in brackets. While the Megaphone is aware ...
Position: The Williamson County Commissioner develops the county budget and allocates tax dollars to the county’s law enforcement, deputy sheriff’s office, jails, roads, bridges, public health services, animal shelters, and transportation. In developing a cohesive ...
In my senior year of high school, one of the discs in my spine developed a severe herniation, resulting in chronic nerve pain and loss of mobility in my back and extending down my left ...
Through my teen years, I quickly became confident in my identity as a queer person. My sexuality was something hard to label and explain, so for my own comfort, I ditched those concepts and just ...
“Like mosaics — beautiful, unique pieces of art shaped and molded over time from a variety of materials — your experience in college is a collection of meaningful moments, relationships, learning, and development. Like any ...