Eight Southwestern-related Instagram accounts you need to follow…. Whether you’re looking for a campus cat or looking to take a cat-nap— there’s an SU Instagram page for you. @whenwherewhatsu Much like the account @whenwherewhataustin, @whenwherewhatsu ...
Do you want more mental clarity in your life? Do you often find yourself feeling stressed, restless, or tense in your body? What if I told you there is a way to build a weekly ...
Written by Aleena Khan How’s that one song by The Rock go? “It’s about drive, it’s about power, we stay hungry, we devour.” Well, I couldn’t think of a better song to describe SU athletes. ...
One Google search of “Southwestern University” will tell you that Southwestern is a “private, Christian University.” However, aside from Tuesday Night Worshippers and random stragglers, our chapel (which was donated by Methodist sponsors) is basically ...
Spring is upon us. Say hello to wildflowers, warm air, and unfortunately a semester that can feel really long. There are a lot of holidays and vacations during fall semester that break up the monotony; ...
In my freshman year of college, I attended a university nine hundred and fifty miles away in Fort Collins, Colorado. I had dreamed of moving to Colorado since I was fourteen years old when my ...
President Trombley recently highlighted the stadium project in an email announcement. The email stated that: “Athletic Director Ken Ralph is working with facilities in the planning phase for the new multi-use sports complex[…] Construction will ...
By Dani Ferebee An apple a day keeps the bad grades away It turns the clouds into a bright, sunny day I want good grades, you know my stance On the the statue named Monstrance ...
The greenery is so bright it’s yellow. Like the sunlight can’t make up its mind. On the clearest days, all that can be seen is gold. So pure in itself nothing that can taint its ...
A poem by Danielle Ferebee Pacing back and forward, a loud pounding in my head Sighing, crying, lying wide awake in my unmade bed The totality of a single moment, lasts an entire lifetime Page ...