Jeremy Renner’s album The Medicine is technically music in the same way that Soylent is technically food: it’s definitely trying, but it’ll never be able to pass for the real thing. Now, a thought might’ve ...
Unless you’ve been living under a rock (however, if you have been you probably want to stay there) you’ve heard about COVID-19, or Coronavirus. Initially, the virus seemed like a situation that would stay confined ...
Social distancing was enjoyable for about the first week. After all, who wouldn’t want practically obligation free days to be able to indulge in favorite past times and focus on the things that usually don’t ...
Do you remember March? That final week of normal before we were sent home for six months? For me, that doesn’t feel like seven months ago, instead when I think of March I think of ...
The Bite App was made by Sodexo to help students on campus order and pick up their food. Since Covid-19 has taken over our lives by this point, it is extremely helpful to pick up ...
Professor, political scientist, researcher, data analyst—Dr. Emily Sydnor wears many hats on campus. Nevertheless, despite her busy schedule, she agreed to answer some questions I had about voting, civility—or lack thereof—in political communications, and the ...
September 15th, a day where I made a monumental decision, and the day where I got a call detailing my recent exposure to an individual who has tested positive for the coronavirus. I had previously ...
When my editor requested a recipe review piece it was accompanied by the suggestion to include a long, convoluted back story of the writer which you must scroll through before arriving at the actual recipe, ...
We are officially back in the Keanu Korner, whetting our appetites for the new Bill and Ted with a look at one of Keanu Reeves’ seminal projects, Point Break. It is, as ever, both my ...
The Story of Plastic, the first film in Soutwestern’s Green Series, highlights the harmful effects of plastic, ranging from environmental impacts to public health disasters. The documentary, directed by Deia Schlosberg — who also filmed ...