Netflix recently put Demon Slayer on their streaming platform and it is getting hype. With growing hype around the series, an official announcement has been released by the creators that a season 2 will be ...
We did it! We finally have a competent animatronic horror film! Willy’s Wonderland, released on February 12th, 2021. Directed by Kevin Lewis and written by G.O. Parsons, Willy’s Wonderland stars Nicholas Cage as a janitor ...
The monumental success of 2017’s Wonder Woman, the iconic DC superhero’s first solo film, goes without saying that the anticipation for the franchise’s next installment was high. Gal Gadot cemented herself as a force to ...
The Haunting of Bly Manor hurt me, but I loved every second of it. Considering the Netflix original is a follow-up to The Haunting of Hill House, one of my favorite shows, the series had ...
About a quarter into the newest Pixar release Soul, a bemused soul known as “22” (voiced by Tina Fey) speaks for the audience with the enthusiastic brashness we have come to typically expect from animated ...
Hello darkness, my old friend. I’ve come to talk with you again– about 2020. I know things happen for a reason, but what possible reason could the universe have for cursing us with the year ...
Released in April, Fiona Apple’s new album Fetch the Bolt Cutters was a long-awaited tour de force. For nearly eight years, the brilliant mind behind Tidal had been silent. But as we listen to the ...
Disclaimer: I have written several reviews on certain horror movies which yielded less than impressive verdicts. I realize that the following movies may not be particularly “good” and that one currently has a Rotten Tomatoes ...
“Don’t try to understand it. Feel it,” is a phrase from the movie Tenet that has been contemplated extensively by Reddit forums, movie critics, and Chrisopher Nolan enthusiasts. This line is spoken in relation to ...
Jeremy Renner’s album The Medicine is technically music in the same way that Soylent is technically food: it’s definitely trying, but it’ll never be able to pass for the real thing. Now, a thought might’ve ...