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Quidditch Comes to SU

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Quidditch Comes to SU


Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Spring 2019 intramurals are well underway as Spikeball, Racquetball and Basketball have joined Flag Football, Futsal and more. However, one upcoming sport commands the spotlight by enchanting its players into a world of wizards and witches.

For the first time in SU history, Quidditch is coming to campus, and it is available for muggles and magic-users alike.

Quidditch is a magical sport created by J.K. Rowling in her famous Harry Potter series that combines ideas of soccer, flag football, and dodgeball. In Rowling’s books, the game is played on broomsticks hundreds of feet in the air as players demonstrate their skillful flying, catching, throwing, and batting to compete for House points. Although it is not required for Southwestern players to divide themselves along house lines, the option remains.

Three types of balls are in play: the Quaffle to control, the Bludgers to avoid, and the Golden Snitch to hunt. Player positions include Chaser, Beater, Keeper, and Seeker, although muggle competitors are free to play however they wish. An extended explanation of Rowling’s rules can be found at Rules of Sport.

Since most Southwestern students are tragically earth-bound, intramural supervisor Amelia Fuchs had to get creative. Instead of soaring on brooms, students will run with pool noodles between their legs, avoiding dodgeballs while attempting to score points with a volleyball thrown through hoops.

The Snitch will be represented by a player from the opposite team wearing a yellow flag belt. This player will be released within the last six minutes of the game and is free to “run off the field and go hide” or whiz around until the Seeker is dizzy. With a two minute head start on the Seekers, the Snitch could potentially evade capture until game over.

The length of the Quidditch season will depend on the number of teams that sign up, but it will average a length of a few weeks. Registration ends on Thursday, March 14, so potential competitors must sign up while time remains!

Each team will first play a placement game to work out the kinks and learn the rules. From there, teams will play either “single or double elimination tournaments.”

Fuchs is excited for teams to sign up and experiment with this new game, and she hopes for many entertaining single elimination games this semester. Passionate about both physical health and the Harry Potter universe, Fuchs has been advocating for Quidditch intramurals since her Sophomore year, and she anticipates many more semesters of Rowling’s famous sport after the Spring 2019 season comes to a close. She hopes to smoothly “pass it on” to younger Southwestern supervisors after her graduation to ensure that Quidditch does not fall into obscurity.

“I love Harry Potter,” Fuchs said, and it provides a perfect opening to get “new people interested in playing intramurals.” Fuchs invites everyone to explore SU Quidditch with her, even if a small amount of uncertainty lingers. “Being active and living a healthy lifestyle is so important for stress management…and for health in general,” and if you can nerd out in the meantime, it might just be the perfect match.

For more information, email intramurals@southwestern.edu, or visit the IMLeagues website to sign up and check brackets. Students can also stop by the intramurals office in Robertson 214 to ask questions in person.


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