Who Are Pirates for Pride?

By: Julie Swets
Pirates for Pride: Celebrating Every Individual. To the members of Southwestern’s Pirates for Pride, acceptance and celebration are key in their movement to foster a visible support group and outlet for students who are MOGAI-identified (marginalized orientations, gender alignments, and intersex) and their allies.
Pirates for Pride is quite special to its President Jordan Curtis, who said the organization has helped to educate him about and become more involved in his community. Curtis is also excited about the ways Pirates for Pride is branching out further around Southwestern.
“As President, I just want it to grow into a larger presence on campus,” Jordan said.
Pirates for Pride, one of many excellent representations of Southwestern’s initiative to expand and strengthen diversity enrichment programs on campus, has several upcoming events including hosting Lavender Graduation as a part of the University Multicultural Graduation ceremonies on May 6, and displaying a video about MOGAI students at the Research and Creative Works Symposium on April 12. In addition, participation is drawn from the entire campus for Pirates for Pride’s regular activism events, including AIDS Walk Austin in Octoberand a new speaker/activist each semester to educate the campus on issues and rights.
What if you’re not a MOGAI-identifying student? Curtis still hopes to have your support.
“Everyone’s identity should be celebrated,” Curtis said. “If you don’t identify as a MOGAI person, or if you’re still questioning, our meetings serve as a safe space to talk about identity around people who love and accept you—no matter how you identify!”
Pirates for Pride meets every Wednesday at 6:45 at CCC on the second floor of Prothro. Other ways to get involved include participating (anonymously by choice) in the Creative Works video, attending some events, or simply joining the Pirates for Pride Facebook page.
“Being an involved ally is a wonderful thing, and we look forward to seeing you.” Curtis said.
Be on the lookout for several enlightening and exciting ways to be included in the community and mission of Pirates for Pride.
For more information about Pirates for Pride, contact Jordan Curtis, President (curtisj@southwestern.edu); Chelsea Allen, Events Chair (allenc@southwestern.edu); or Sam LeCompte, (lecompts@southwestern.edu).