On January 13, 2019, Gillette released a commercial that sparked controversy across the nation. The commercial touched on topics of toxic masculinity, bullying, sexual assault, and the #metoo movement. However, the way the messages were ...
Photo courtesy of Unsplash Spring 2019 intramurals are well underway as Spikeball, Racquetball and Basketball have joined Flag Football, Futsal and more. However, one upcoming sport commands the spotlight by enchanting its players into a ...
A sweet scent fills the air as my Goodbye Earl tea, a mix that smells comfortingly like Fruity Pebbles, steeps on the table in front of me. At 8:30am on a Friday morning, two owners ...
On November 19, Southwestern observed the Transgender Day of Remembrance for the second time in a row by holding a vigil on Academic Mall. Officially, Transgender Day of Remembrance is on November 20, but the ...
About 40% of food grown, processed, and transported in the United States goes uneaten and therefore, wasted rotting in landfills. A recent study says that Americans waste about a pound of food per person each ...
“It’s that point in the semester.” It feels like that phrase that’s on every corner of campus. Whether it be the students or professors expressing this, you can see it. To the student sleeping in ...
The following are word-for-word transcriptions of interviews conducted with Southwestern University students who have experienced homophobia on campus. Edits for the sake of clarity were made and placed in brackets. While the Megaphone is aware ...
If the world’s government doesn’t acknowledge climate change and initiate a transition to clean energy sources by 2035, the Earth will pass a point of no return. A case known as Juliana vs. United States ...
Position: The Williamson County Commissioner develops the county budget and allocates tax dollars to the county’s law enforcement, deputy sheriff’s office, jails, roads, bridges, public health services, animal shelters, and transportation. In developing a cohesive ...
In my senior year of high school, one of the discs in my spine developed a severe herniation, resulting in chronic nerve pain and loss of mobility in my back and extending down my left ...