What you missed at the President’s Corner… In light of last week’s eventful protest, President Laura Skandera Trombley hosted an open-ended discussion titled “President’s Corner” regarding the recent discriminatory violations on campus. A circle of ...
“I am what I am,” sophomore Eric Salinas (aka Your X Stasy) sang to his audience last Friday night (1/27) in the Mccombs Ballroom. His performance was the first solo drag performance that had ever ...
I arrived at Louis Perkins chapel at 5:01 pm on December 1st, a few minutes late for my 4:55 pm call time to perform in the Candlelight Service. The warmth of the space engulfed me ...
Every time I exit my car in the Brown-Cody parking lot, ear piercing sounds ring into my skull. A dissonant chorus of squawks and squeaks and chirps sound around me. My heart starts to race, ...
There are two types of people in this world: those who listen to Christmas music right after Halloween and those who listen right after Thanksgiving. Or perhaps you are a lunatic, someone with a slight ...
Have you ever wanted to meet the author of your favorite book? Perhaps you’re reading such an intriguing novel that you feel obligated to ask the writer some questions…or maybe you are reading this and ...