Taylor Swift’s Blockbuster Era: SU Student Opinions

Understanding Why They Lost Their Minds and Fought the Wars
In the beginning, there was only darkness. Then God said, “Let there be music;” and there was Taylor Swift. The woman who moved mountains and shook the world- who unwittingly created “The Swifties.” The fans who did the impossible; who brought down the price of eggs- don’t ask me how, they just did. Many songs, and re-recorded albums later, “The Eras Tour” was born. Many of you may have heard of this tour, considering it broke the internet… literally (if you were a victim of Ticketmaster, like me, my sorrows are with you; it takes everything in me just to get up each day). Thankfully, Ms. Swift heard our prayers- her tour is hitting the silver screen. She’s Untouchable, burning brighter than the sun, and on October 13th, Taylor makes her anticipated movie debut. On account of this remarkable news, we asked The Southwestern Swifties to share a couple of words about our beloved mother. So, follow along; see what SU students have to say, and find out the answer to the question you have all been waiting for. We challenge you all to see just how many T-Swizzle references you can spot.
Taylor’s music has been an inspiration for many people through the years, provoking fans to sing “long live all the magic she’s made!”
“I have been a fan of Taylor Swift since middle school,” first year, Claire Bauer said, “My youth group leader could list all of her songs just by hearing a couple of seconds and I thought she was the coolest ever.”
The Megaphone asked Claire about her plans to see the movie and what features she was most looking forward to seeing in this film.
“I saw her live which was truly the best concert/experience of my life (sobbed the whole time). So, to get to experience that again and hopefully see some behind the scenes about how in the world she does those quick changes is something I really hope to see!”
Despite all of Taylor’s success, she was underestimated– her worth was questioned– but she gave her blood, sweat, and tears and reclaimed herself by becoming one of the bestselling musicians of all time.
First year, Kylie Intfen, says, “Even though she hit an obstacle when trying to buy her songs in order to own them, she found a way around it by re-recording them, which her fans love because she’s not only going back into the music they already love, but she’s adding new music on to it.”
Taylor Swift has a crazy number of fans, and her movie breaking presale records is further proof of that. Taylor’s been making her own name, chasing that fame. The Swifites are here, in that lavender haze, and fan, Zoe Hein, would be perfectly fine to stay there forever.
“Taylor’s songwriting has been exceptional since the day she started, especially since she writes everything herself. She’ll work with different producers but at the core of every album, it’s just her,” Zoe says, “It doesn’t matter what genre she’s writing in; she always tops the charts.”
The Megaphone asked Zoe what she thinks makes the relationship between Taylor and the Swifties so different from other artists of the time.
“The relationship between Taylor and her fans is different because she puts in the effort. She doesn’t have a huge ego that makes her have a superiority complex; she’s just a real person,” Zoe says, “Fame tends to mess up celebrities in that way, but it has never gotten to her in this way. Basically, it just comes down to: she cares as much as her fans do.”
Now, the interview you have all been waiting for… SU frat boy, sophomore, Jonny Sanchez, comments on how Taylor has influenced the lives of Kappa Sigma.
“I know as for me, I love Taylor Swift, her lyricism is some of the most beautiful lyrics in the music industry,” Jonny said, “There are a few hidden Swifties among the fraternities! Some are more talkative about it than others, but they are there! I know I would love to see a fraternity do a Taylor Swift Night; I personally think it would be super cool!”
Through thick and thin, Taylor’s fans never fail to remain loyal and true. She pushes her fans to always stand up for what they believe in, and she supports others in the act of raising their voices to make a difference in the world.
With all of that being said, please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh we could recognize anywhere. We’ll see you in the theaters; you can buy the drinks, and we can buy the popcorn- we’ll save you a seat. We think we’ve seen this film before, but we know we’ll love the ending.