Cascara Sagrada – Soundwave Headliner?

By: Kayleigh Hanna
This band has a style all its own. Their music not only pleases the ears, it miraculously pleases the pallet as well! Audiences around Austin have been delighted by the high-energy performances of the band. So far, they’ve brewed three hits, and have an extensive performance record in the Austin area. Cascara’s lead singer, Dara Cascada, has hinted at a record deal with the prominent Austin label Arascad.
Other band members include: Cara Drags on guitar and Rada Scar on drums. Dara Cascada, in a recent interview mentioned how excited she was to be performing for Soundwave because her brother is a current student at SU. Some of Dara’s interests include hiking, biking, and eating ice cream. In her spare time she works on her formula for Coffee ice cream. I asked Dara how she would describe Cascara’s band aesthetic she said the “band’s aesthetic is rich and sugary, we (the band) don’t particularly care for super flashy looks”.
Cara Drags has been playing guitar since she was an embryo, she is a true guitar hero. Cara will be giving guitar lessons this coming summer, too. Cara’s interests include volunteering with Austin animal shelters, building bird houses, and painting landscapes. In her spare time she rides her horse, Coffee. Cara said she would describe the band’s sound as “dark and mapley”.
Rada Scar hasn’t been playing the drums for very long. Rada is self-taught, but you’d never have guessed it! Rada is inspired most by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. One of Rada’s favorite things to do is read Justice Ginsburg’s opinions on old Supreme Court rulings. Some of her other interests include improve, indie films, and muscle cars. In her spare time she tends her garden where she grows Coffea plants. Rada described Cascara’s group dynamic with a metaphor, “our group we’re like a ripe coffee cherry, tight-knit, and exploding with flavor.
Cascara is set to perform at Southwestern Universities very own Soundwave. This is a huge deal because Soundwave has never had this particular genre of music performed at their event. Their genre is a new, extremely modern take on folk/country. Cascara’s sound will revolutionize the music industry. The band will literally wake up the entire record industry, and bring new energy into a tired system. Students can look forward to a performance that they will not soon forget.