Pirates Host Annual Tip-Off Challenge Ahead of Season

By: Sherlyn Ong
The basketball season started with a blast at the tipoff.
In addition to the amazing women and men’s basketball teams, the free pizza, free t-shirts and the prize of free Cane’s for a year at stake left the crowd incredibly hyped.
The event opened with an excellent routine prepared by Southwestern’s cheerleading team that roused the crowd.
The announcer then introduced the women’s basketball team and the men’s basketball team. Both teams were excited and showed excellent team spirit as they cheered each other on and supported each other as their names were announced.
After the introduction of the members in each team, the women’s basketball team split into black and white teams and played a friendly match. The men’s basketball team did the same after the women’s match was over. This event definitely showcased the teamwork and skill that both teams had.
The next event was especially exciting because the attendees of the tipoff were invited to participate in a free throw competition to be a finalist for the free Cane’s. The response was huge as over thirty people went forth to take on the challenge.
The competition was separated into free throws between females and between males. Participants lined up behind the free throw line and were only given one chance each to make the shot. If a participant did not make the throw, they were immediately disqualified. If they made the throw, they would return to the back of the line for another round. Hence, the goal of participants was to be the last person in line.
In the end, the final girl and boy in each match were selected and announced as they waited to be called back later.
After this exciting attendee competition came the 3-point competition between the women’s and men’s basketball teams. Each team sent out their best 3-point throwers to compete against the other team.
Next, the basketball teams proceeded with a dunk competition. However, since the women’s basketball team did not have any dunkers, they made a makeshift tiny basketball hoop that they dunked in instead.
The men’s team, however, went all out on the actual hoops. This competition was based on the aesthetics of the dunks made and a panel of judges including Miss Ella and President Burger judged the dunkers out of 10.
The dunkers came with all sorts of tactics, even including a pirate bike and throwing a basketball from the indoor running track. The creativity and skill present was amazing.
Finally, the Cane’s finalists from before were called forth once more to compete against each other. Each of them were required to execute a layup, a free-throw and a 3-pointer within seconds. However, both the female participant and the male participant ended up unable to complete the 3-pointer and the match ended as a tie.
Disappointingly, none of the contestants won the free Cane’s for a year; instead, they won a gift basket.
With the match over, the event came to a close as the excited crowd filtered out. In all, the tipoff was fun and incited excitement in students and community members. It was a great event.