Greek Chili Cook-off Closes Annual National Hazing Prevention Week

By: Devon Bradley
Ask any Texan to describe their friday night and they might mention football in some form. Now change “football” to “soccer,” add in some chili, and you get a Southwestern Friday night. The fourth annual Greek Chili Cook-Off took place on September 25 at 7:00 p.m. on the Southwestern Athletic Fields.
Hosted by the Interfraternity Council (IFC) and the Panhellenic Council, the event introduced Greek groups at Southwestern and showed off their philanthropies and chili recipes. Participating organizations included Alpha Delta Pi (ADPi), Alpha Xi Delta (AXiD), Alpha Phi Omega (APO), Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Alpha Order (KA), Kappa Delta Chi (KDChi), Kappa Sigma, Kappa Upsilon Chi, Pi Kappa Alpha (PKA), Phi Delta Theta, and Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA).
The organization judged with the best chili recipe, Delta Delta Delta, won donations to their philanthropy St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Judges took into account spirit, table decoration and presentation, and the number of public votes received for chili. Winners of the Starkey Award and the National Hazing Prevention Week banner contest were also announced. ADPi won the Starkey Award, an award for most participation in National Hazing Prevention Week activities, while AXiD won the National Hazing Prevention Week banner contest.
The cook-off concluded SU’s National Hazing Prevention Week. Concurrent with SU men’s soccer match against Colorado College, each organization served their own chili recipe and attendees voted on their favorites. The event allowed bystanders to mingle with members of the Greek community and cheer on their Southwestern Pirates. Overall, it brought the SU community together to celebrate National Hazing Prevention Week.