By: Lanie Tunnell Parents, past teachers, and friends from other universities say things like, “Make sure you go to class- I had to learn the hard way,” but Southwestern students may not have the choice ...
Photo By: Meret Pavlina By: Meret Pavlina Let me preface this article by establishing that I am not, by any means, encouraging people to take up smoking cigarettes. There is no doubt in my mind ...
By: Jessica Truong October is an eventful month: it marks the beginning of fall, making everything taste like a spicy pumpkin, preparing for Halloween, raising awareness for breast cancer, and appreciating pizza. Yes, you heard ...
By: Sherlyn Ong How do you know what clubs to join and how to find the Balance? Finding a club to commit yourself to is always a difficult decision. There are many factors into choosing ...
By: Anna Krolikowski It’s no secret that college is not anything like high school. The classes are timed differently, spaced differently, and most likely more challenging than what most high schools have to offer. The ...
By: Willow Riscar For those of you who spent last night watching the Trump vs. Hillary showdown, then you know as well as I do that it was heated to say the least. Insults, personal ...
Infographic courtesy of This data is speculated to affect blonde, white actresses who claim they too are Asian-American and Pacific Islander. By: Amy Gu Actress Scarlett Johansson awaits charges of speeding and Driving While Asian ...
by: Benjamin Galindo This piece was submitted in response to a recent letter to the editor about an article published in the Megaphone about SU’s handling of an investigation letter from the Office of Civil Rights. This letter ...
by: Bryony McLaughlin Dear Editor, I was disappointed to see how you chose to report on the subject matter for the article “Southwestern is Under Investigation” in a recent issue of the Megaphone. The bold red ...
By: Cat Hosch I really like being informed. I read the news online, I watch replays of news reports, I read whatever copy of a newspaper I can get my hands on. Knowing what is going on ...