Every other Friday, the SU Socialists club gathers to discuss and comment on various works relating to socialist theory. If you don’t know what socialism is–or only have a vague idea of what it is ...
A tense energy was carried across the field on February 1st at 11AM, as a buzzer rang to initiate the Southwestern University’s women’s lacrosse alumni game. SU’s lacrosse fought the neck and neck match against ...
Valentine’s Day: a loving day for cute and cheesy couples who enjoy exhibiting PDA, while paradoxically a frustrating and unfortunate day for those who are single. However, if you happen to be a part of ...
October 17 marked the return of the semi-annual Art Stroll on Georgetown’s square, hosted by the Arts and Cultural Program. Once every fall and spring, participants are invited to partake in various cultural and artistic ...
In the aftermath of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, Israel took control of the Gaza Strip and West Bank, areas claimed by Palestinians. The Israel-Palestine conflict, now seven decades old, continues today. Just over a year ...
“I hear often, ‘You’re pretty good for a girl’. Why am I not just good? You can’t just tell me I’m good and leave it at that?” – Kat Mills, SU Student Skateboarding, a sport ...