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Students Opinions on the Proper Time to Start Listening to Christmas Carols

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Students Opinions on the Proper Time to Start Listening to Christmas Carols


How early is too early?

As Jack-O-Lanterns rot, Halloween decorations disappear from front lawns, and the weather gets colder and colder, it seems like everyone is ready for the next big holiday. Is it Thanksgiving? Of course not! It seems that Christmas is approaching earlier and earlier every year, and this one is no different.

Turn on the local radio, and you’ll probably hear the festive crooning of Michael Bublé, Bing Crosby, or the queen of Christmas herself, Mariah Carey; Starbucks has abandoned pumpkin spice in favor of peppermint, and if you take a peek into Bishop’s Lounge and you’ll find it decked out in wreaths, garlands, and a shining Christmas tree. Even as I write this, there is the faint sound of Christmas tunes in the Cove. All of this and Thanksgiving is still weeks away!

In the wake of Christmas encroaching early–once again–on November 1, I asked Southwestern students how early was too early to start playing Christmas music. Their answers covered all areas of the spectrum, from resounding indictments of the Christmas takeover to passionate defenses of the holiday spirit. Here are their responses.

“Thanksgiving is one of the most boring holidays,” said first-year Wren Smith. “I really don’t care if we skip over it and go straight to Christmas. It’s so much more fun—it’s definitely not too early to play Christmas music.”

Wren is not alone in this sentiment; first-year Adrianna Moya was excited to announce that she already has a Christmas tree in her room, all decked out in shiny ornaments with personal touches. “It is not too early to play Christmas music,” she declared emphatically. “It’s, what, November 5th? I already bought a little Christmas tree. I’m in the Christmas spirit, and I am loving it!”

First-year Emma Hargrove provided yet another glowing endorsement of premature Christmas music listening: “I love Michael Bublé so much. He is the love of my life. I have to listen to him year-round, or I’ll die.”

And yet, amongst all of this early Christmas cheer, it seems there are some grinches in our midst. When asked if it was too early to play Christmas music, first-year Joshua Gregg responded, “Yes. Yes! That’s all that needs to be said! It’s not even Thanksgiving yet. After Thanksgiving, it’s okay.”

It seems there is a clean split in ideology in the student body: either you start listening to holiday tunes as early as possible (usually November 1st, as soon as Halloween is out of the way), or you contain your holiday cheer until after Thanksgiving when the Christmas season “officially” begins. “I’m a total grinch until Thanksgiving,” stated sophomore Alex Murray.

Some people get a little passionate in their stance against Christmas music in November. “Christmas music is only acceptable during the month of December, and even that’s pushing it. I think it should only be played on Christmas day, but I also just hate Christmas music,” first-year Ava Pace said.

Whether you indulge in some Christmas tunes year-round, steadfastly wait until after Thanksgiving, or choose not to celebrate Christmas altogether, the season’s sentiment remains: keep your loved ones close, stay warm, and don’t let the Christmas music debate create too much conflict.

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