How to hold onto your Sanity and boost your GPA

“It’s that point in the semester.”
It feels like that phrase that’s on every corner of campus. Whether it be the students or professors expressing this, you can see it. To the student sleeping in Bishop’s Lounge or the one ordering a cup of coffee from The Cove at midnight, it really is that point in the semester.
It feels like it’s hard to keep up with all the end of semester assignments. With all the tests, essays, and group projects, it feels like you might not be able to make. Not to mention, this point of the fall semester is when many feel the impact of seasonal depression. If you’re finding it hard to keep up your grades this semester, here are some tips to help stay productive (although these tips can even be useful at any point in any semester).
1. Take a Break
Remember that you’re still human. You don’t work like a robot at all hours of the day and you can afford to relax. Watching a movie, going out with some friends, or going for a run is a good way to relieve stress after hours of working hard.
2. Work at a clean study space
A messy space for studying can stress the brain and make you focus on the mess instead of the assignment. You can either clean your desk and do some housekeeping, or go somewhere else on campus. The library, the Cove, or an empty classroom should provide a clean study place for you.
3. Study with a group of friends
This one can be tricky. It’s good to study with a group of people and make sure everyone stays on task, but sometimes not everyone is on task. Sometimes, friends can cause more harm than good and distract from your work. So be selective with who you choose to study with you. If you know someone isn’t going to be productive with you, then wait to hang out with them during your break.
4. Study in public
Sometimes, the best motivation is peer pressure. If you’re watching Daredevil on Netflix while everyone else in the room is working on their own assignments, you might feel more guilt or shame for procrastinating than you would in a private space. So being in a public area might motivate you to do your work.
5. Change your study spots
Mix up where you’re working. Start out your morning in the library and then transition to your room. Maybe go to The Cove that night, or mix it up in any way you feel works best. Staying in one space all day could mentally drain you or make you feel more fatigue. A change of scenery can help combat this, along with the act of moving to a new location.
6. Don’t study in bed
If you wanna study in your room, don’t do it in bed. Your brain will get conditioned to associate work and studying to a place meant for relaxation and sleep. In return, it will be harder for you to fall asleep at night. With less sleep, it will be harder to concentrate on your studying. Keep the work at a desk and the rest at the bed.
7. Don’t pull all-nighters
Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures, but avoid missing sleep as much as possible. Sleep deprivation can cause a weakened immune system, loss of concentration, and a need to overeat. It’s good to at least get nine hours, but most college students are lucky enough to get six hours at most. Getting six or even two hours of sleep is better than getting none. If you feel like you need to stay up late, don’t stay up all night.
8. Listen to classical music
Known as the Mozart Effect, it was believed that orchestra could help improve memory. While this isn’t true for everyone, classical music can help you concentrate on studying. Maybe even mix it up by listening to orchestra music from your favorite movies. And if you’re not a fan of orchestras, try a lo-fi study playlist to concentrate.
9. Try waking up early instead of staying up late.
Everyone has stayed up late to finish work, but waking up early might be a better alternative. You’re more tired at night and less likely to focus on your work. After getting a good night’s sleep, you’re more energized and more likely to make good progress on your work.
10. Take advantage of on campus services
Not only are there counseling services on campus for free, but there are also other little ways to relieve stress on campus. On Wednesday afternoons, there are dogs in front of the library for you to pet. Also, be on the lookout for free massages or acupuncture sessions on campus towards the end of the semester.
Good luck, and happy finals season!