7 SU Professors as Disney Princesses

Southwestern University has some excellent professors… but what if they were Disney princesses?
Professor of Art Ron Geibel is “Rapunzel all the way.”
Emily Northrop, Professor of Economics, says “think of me as Cinderella… I love a good dance, and I definitely turn into a pumkin*, but unfortunately well before midnight.”
* Author’s note: Dr. Northrop does not display pumpkin-like traits, either before or after midnight.
Professor of Theater John Ore’s students know why he’s Ariel…
Carl Robertson, Professor of Chinese, says he’d prefer to be “a bland nearly faceless prince, but then that’s no fun. The obvious choice is Mulan in her warrior phase.”
Professor of Computer Science Jacob Schrum asked some of his Disney-savvy friends for help deciding which princess he was, before choosing “Merida from Brave: first Disney princess that doesn’t sing, mastery of her martial art, and does not care about proper appearances.”
Eric Selbin, Professor of Political Science, says “is Belle a princess? Belle with a book and an AK-47? I wish I remembered my Disney Princesses better.”
Professor of Business Debika Sihi eagerly asked to be Jasmine from Aladdin. “I love it!!!!! Did you notice the number of exclamation points??!”