Sororities & Sisterhood: Finding Home at Southwestern

On Saturday Jan. 14, I did something I never thought I would. . . I joined a national sorority.
Before attending Southwestern University, my exposure to Greek life was limited to the inaccurate representations on television and in films.As the school year continued, I began to realize my views on fraternities and sororities may not have been accurate. I was meeting unique and interesting individuals, only to find out later that they were involved in Greek life. Eventually I accepted that real life sororities, or at least the ones at Southwestern, had very little in common with what I’d seen portrayed in the media. As I opened my eyes to the merit of sisterhood and spent more time with sorority members, I learned that friendship, philanthropy and academics are extremely important within these organizations. By the time formal recruitment was starting, I had enough experience with Greek life to be intrigued, so I decided to give it a try.
I was still very apprehensive on my way to the first event (a mixer between potential members and active members) because I was almost certain that I wouldn’t fit in. Thankfully, I was totally mistaken. Most of the potential new members in attendance had been excited about recruitment for months or even years, but they were still people like me; dedicated to their friends, studies, and uncertain about what to expect when joining a sorority.
As formal recruitment continued and I became acquainted with members from all four Panhellenic sororities, I began to see why such a large proportion of our students get involved in Greek life. I always thought members of sororities and fraternities didn’t have many opportunities to spend time with students that weren’t in their chapter, but the divide between those who go Greek and those who don’t is practically nonexistent. After speaking with many actives, I could see that they had maintained their individuality and had even found ways to celebrate it within their sisterhood.
In the week following bid day, I interviewed several first-year students with whom I had shared the whirlwind of an experience. I asked each of them the same question, “What made you decide to join a sorority?”
“I thought a sisterhood would enrich my college experience,” Bella Kidd, first year, said. “I wanted to know what everyone meant by finding your ‘home’ within a sorority, and I am grateful to have found a group of women who have helped me to understand that feeling.”
“I thought it’d help me feel even more at home at SU, which it has,” Taylor Torres, first year, said “Although, it was one of the most nerve wracking things I’ve ever done!”
Lastly, I spoke with first year Brooke Sons, who had been initially been uncertain about joining Greek life, just as I had. “I wasn’t sure if the whole sorority thing was for me, but I decided to go through Recruitment to at least see what it was about. Though it was stressful, I trusted in the process and knew I would end up where I was supposed to be. I’m so glad I did go through with it because I met an incredible group of women who accepted me for who I am, and I can’t wait to see what the next years have in store!”
I am hugely thankful to be a part of Greek life. I went through recruitment less than a month ago, but it has already proved to be immensely beneficial. I couldn’t be happier to be with my new sisters and thanks to them Southwestern is finally starting to feel like home.