College Democrats Join SU’s Political Climate

On September 1, College Democrats had their very first meeting. Officers and new members discussed potential ideas, plans, and goals for the fall semester in anticipation of the upcoming 2016 election. The president of College Democrats, Sophomore Danyale Kellogg, brings her political experience to the role as she tries to get other students involved in the organization and host informative events throughout the year.
There are many events planned this semester for College Democrats including non- partisan voter registration activities, a Who’s Who on the Ballot event, which is open to students and faculty of all political backgrounds, and many visits from United States government representatives.
“Next Thursday at 6:00p.m. we are having a local democratic candidate for congress come on campus and there will be a huge banner for that going up.” Kellogg said. “We are trying to start this series called Who’s Who on the Ballot to encourage full ticket voting and trying to bring candidates on campus to talk about their platforms and how the youth can help. We are definitely trying to do more community engagement.”
It is widely thought that with the addition of College Democrats to campus, comes more organized political diversity to campus.
“There’s talk about College Libertarians coming to campus which would be really awesome.I kinda wanna see more of a political spectrum on campus and I think College Democrats is a great part of that,” Kellogg said. “College is a time when we are all trying to develop our belief systems and solidify our ideologies so I think it’s important that you are not constantly trying to put yourself in a box or label yourself immediately and that you are really trying to get every perspective whether that’s college Dems, College Republicans, Independent, libertarian, or whatever. I think it is important to listen to everyone.”
As an aspiring politician, Kellogg brings her political experience to the role of president.
“I am from Midland, Texas. I got involved with the local Midland party when I was about eight or nine doing some canvassing. That’s kinda where I got started with the Democratic Party. This summer I spent on The Hill with a democratic congresswoman and working for the DNC. It was great.” Kellogg said. “Right now I am working on the Lloyd Doggett for Congress Campaign.”
The first College Democrats meeting drew a large number of students.
“We had a pretty high turn out. We had about forty people which was kinda not expected at all for a first meeting. Lots of freshman, which was cool,” Kellogg said.
Sophomore Madison Hayslette discussed why she decided to join College Democrats.
“I joined College Democrats because I wanted to be informed and involved in local elections as well as the presidential election. The people we decide to represent us need to be carefully selected, and I believe College Democrats can assist in making that decision a thoroughly educated one,” Hayslette said.
However for students on the other side of the political spectrum, the College Republicans meet every Tuesday at 7:30p.m. in the McCombs ballroom.
“It was good that opposite side was able to reform so their can be meaningful discussion on campus,” Senior Jimmy Brymer, president of College Republicans said.
For more information on College Democrats, check out their Facebook page @SUCollegeDemocrats or contact Danyale Kellogg directly ( Meeting times are TBD.
For more information about College Republicans watch campus notices or contact Jimmy Brymer (