Soundwave 2016 Band Announced

By Myriam Ibarra
SU Soundwave, previously known as Cluster Fest, is an annual concert that takes place here on campus. The event takes place in Robertson Center.
Various artists and bands from different genres have participated in this event in the past. Last year, the Plain White T’s came to Southwestern.
Sophomore Denise Sandoval shared her experience at the concert with the Megaphone. At first Sandoval wasn’t too interested. She shares that she wasn’t too familiar with the band and was a bit shy since she didn’t know many of their songs, but her friends convinced her to go as a group and she ended up having a great time. She describes the event as well-organized—even though it started off slow with not too many spectators, soon more people started showing up.
“I wasn’t as excited at first, but once we got there and I heard some of the songs I knew we all started jumping up and down and it was fun,” sophomore Victoria Gore, who attended the event with Sandoval, said.
February 16 the Soundwave Committee revealed this year’s artist during the Ping Pong Drop, during which prizes such as shirts, cups, CDs, vinyls, and tickets were given out by means of the ping pong balls. This year, singer/songwriter Børns, an indie pop band, will be performing. The concert will be taking place April 1.