SING! Performance Reviews: Legendary Tales

Photo By: Myriam Ibarra
By: Cynthia Zaragoza
Phi Delta Theta
Rating: 1/5
Phi didn’t have a coherent story to their performance.This was a really disappointing opening to the show. The only good part was the guitar performance at the end.
Alpha Phi Omega
Rating: 5/5
APO’s legend revolved around a graduating senior making her way through campus, “Wizard of Oz” style. They added a touch of Broadway to their performance through seamless stage direction.
Pi Kappa Alpha
Rating: 2/5
Pike followed with a bedtime story told by a grandfather to his grandson. Their performance was entertaining to watch and it was nice to see the performers were enjoying themselves.
Kappa Alpha Order
Rating: 4/5
KA’s legend revolves around their strong brotherhood enabling them to build the frat house of their dreams. They sang and showed off some impressive dancing skills, and their enthusiasm was contagious.
Zeta Tau Alpha
Rating: 5/5
For this performance, the audience was transported into a world reminiscent of Harry Potter’s where friendship is tested but the four colleges (Hogwarts Houses) come together as one: Southwestern University. The performance was enjoyable and the members’ effort was evident by their costumes and props.
Sailors & Sirens
Rating: 5/5
This group knows how to sing and how to bring a show together. Sailors and Sirens greets the audience with an amazing performance of “The Gospel Truth” from the opening of the movie “Hercules.” Their story revolves around a young student, Hercules, trying to get through school. Their tribute to Hercules continues throughout as they also perform other catchy songs from the film.
Alpha Xi Delta
Rating: 5/5
The performance from the Alpha Xi Deltas was a great rendition of the musical “Into the Woods.” Emma Kathryn Groves does an amazing job as the narrator, telling the story of two main characters who scavenge all over campus to find the items needed to break a curse. The seamless scene changes and acting are to be applauded.
Alpha Delta Pi
Rating: 4/5
The curtains open to a student around the infamous story tree where the student is tasked to find certain items on campus. We travel with her and see what there is to see around campus, including the reunion of a very dead Southwestern class. ADPi did a great job at creating a story that captures SU.
Kappa Sigma
Rating: 3/5
The members of Sig don their best togas as they sing to the audience. They did a great job and kept their performance simple to let the words capture the crowd. Their music brought the auditorium together and their finish was loud and strong.
KA: Best Choreography
Sig: Best Music
APO: Best Theme Development, 3rd place overall
ADPi: 2nd place overall
Zeta: Best Costume, People’s Choice, 1st place overall.