More SU Showcase Performances to Look Forward To

By: Myriam Ibarra
The SU Showcase is an event which allows members of the student body to share their musical talents with the Southwestern community, and it is once again coming to Friday Night Live.
During the fall semester of 2015, Southwestern enjoyed performances by some community members, including an alumni. Among the student participants were two groups (Sailors & Sirens and 3 Bros with Girlfriends and a Single Bro), a duet, and three soloists. The performances ranged from covers to original works.
When asked about what she liked the most about last semester’s Showcase, first-year Lilly Chilek said, “I loved that fact that we were able to see people perform who we might not have known were artistic otherwise.”
Chilek shares that the event was very well organized and enjoyable. She also says that she was surprised to hear an original song performed and commends this student for having shared his work.
“It takes a lot of courage to share something you’ve created on your own, especially to strangers,” Chilek says.
Despite, the overall good qualities of the Showcase, it appears to not have attracted too many spectators, suggesting that promotion of this event is a potential area of improvement.
When asked whether they had attended a past Showcase, a majority of students replied that they had not.
Sophomore Sydney Oolong comments on this. She herself has never attended a showcase, but she suggests that a greater effort be made to spread the word about the event in hopes that more people will perform and more people will come watch the performances.
Sign-ups for this Spring Semester’s Showcase closed on February 5 and auditions took place this past week. SU Showcase will take place in the Cove on March 4 at 8:00 P.M.