The Megaphone

Southwestern’s Garden Yoga

By: Jennifer Layer

Looking for a peaceful place to relax amid all the stress of the university life? Look no further: the Southwestern Community Garden has recently begun weekly yoga sessions in the SU garden.

The sessions are led by sophomore Keara Hudler who has been practicing yoga for over a year. “Me and Sam Guess, the garden club president, always did yoga together in the garden and thought it would be great to open it up to the public” said Hudler.

Prior to the first session, Hudler and the garden club members cleared a space that was overrun with grass creating a permanent yoga space in the garden.

“Everyone seems to be enjoying it. It’s really quiet and relaxing” said Hudler.

Those who attend the yoga sessions feel that doing yoga in the garden space gives a certain energy that other spaces on campus do not. One student claimed, “It’s really nice to do yoga in an environment where things grow so you yourself can grow.”

The garden yoga sessions have thus far gained a small number of participants but that is how Hudler thinks they work best.

“Although I would love more people to come to the sessions, I like that it is quiet. I find solace in it” said Hudler.

If you are interested in finding your own solace the yoga sessions take place every Sunday at 6:00 pm. No experience or yoga mats are required.