Captain’s Log: The Southwestern Parking Experience

Captains Log:
The flame of hope has begun to flicker and fade as despair begins to close its wretched claws around my heart. We are adrift in the sea of tarmac, with nary a safe harbor in sight, yet my First (Room)Mate never tires. He sits perched in the crow’s nest (Passenger Seat) of our mighty ship (2010 Toyota Highlander) and for every minute his watchful gaze roves across the horizon my heart yearns to hear him shout. Land Ho! Oh, how those words would mend the mounting despair that now creeps throughout my form, draining the strength from my limbs as I turn the wheel again and again.
Circling, circling, circling around this sun-scorched sea of asphalt, hoping for a sight of the green line that would signal our salvation, I reminisce on how our story came to this wretched conclusion. It was a fine morning when I came upon my crew, announcing we would set sail at once. Met with apprehension, a tale spun from my lips. A story of a great raid that we embark on, seeking wealth and plunder! But my First Mate objected: “A raid at noon? Pirates from off-campus will be about, and we shant find a single spot of student parking upon our return!” But in my hubris, I cast his worries aside– oh what a fool I was!
So, with a song on our lips and a fire in our hearts, we set sail across Georgetown, blinded by hubris to the doom we courted. At first, we thought ourselves blessed with luck, for what a raid (H.E.B run) it was! Our hold was filled with rum(Arizona Tea) and loot(Nature Valley Bars) beyond what we could ever have dreamed! We sailed back triumphantly, but upon returning our folly was revealed. Unable to find a spot, we became castaways on the parking lots of Southwestern, doomed to one of two fates: to risk the tariffs(SU Police Department parking tickets) of faculty parking, or to wander endlessly are the paths left before us. Should anyone come upon this message, let not our memory fade away; let it be known that so many Pirates have been driven to despair by this endless wandering. That I am but the latest in a long chain of tragedy that has befouled every Captain to ever sail the seas of the SU parking lots, and if nothing is done, will befoul every generation to follow as well.