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Reviving the SU Socialists Club

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Reviving the SU Socialists Club


Every other Friday, the SU Socialists club gathers to discuss and comment on various works relating to socialist theory. If you don’t know what socialism is–or only have a vague idea of what it is from various TikToks that have appeared on your feed–joining this club will help give you an overall better grasp of what socialism really is and what it is not.

When trying to understand socialist theory, it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by the abundance of literature that has been published by various theorists. Because of this, the reviving club is dedicated to focusing on the foundational works to give newcomers a starting point where they can branch out into different theories that interest them. Aris Morgan (fourth-year), the general secretary of  SU Socialists, states, “There are people out there that have never heard of Frederich Engles or do not know that there are any other works outside of the Communist Manifesto, so I really want to introduce people to that.” 

In today’s current political climate, many people claim to be aware of what socialism is and what it stands for despite never having read a piece of theory, which, needless to say, is a problem. According to Morgan, “I think activism is important, but I think there are a lot of good people who want to do activism right away who have yet to touch theory at all. Good activism is informed by good theory, and you can’t have good theory without good activism.” His hope after getting this club off the ground is to start taking action within the community by doing fundraisers for local organizations. 

If you take interest in socialism, or recognize flaws in our current capitalist system, SU Socialists  invites you to join them on March 7 from 4 to 5 PM in Prothro room 163!

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