Mind the Eclipse!

Mind the eclipse! On April 8, 2024, Southwestern University will be in the middle of the path of totality in a solar eclipse. The University has already promoted a viewing party for the event, which will be on the University’s Academic Mall from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for those wishing to observe and buy SU “commemorative merchandise”. However, while enjoying this mesmerizing astronomical event is the top priority on many minds, others are concerned about the influx of millions of visitors from across the country to Texas.
Already, many counties in the state have issued disaster declarations to prepare for logistical burdens such as traffic and reduced access to groceries, food, and gas. The Williamson County government recommends the use of, “specialized eye protection designed for solar viewing,” to safely view the eclipse and notes that the Texas Department of Transportation has advised that there will be an increase in traffic from visitors.
In an advisory email to students, SU President Trombley warned that “Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of visitors are expected to flock to Georgetown and the surrounding areas. Try your best to limit travel during this time.”
This is the second solar eclipse this academic year that students will experience here on the SU campus, with the previous one occurring on October 14, 2023. The next solar eclipse in Texas is not expected until August 12, 2045.