Water Curling Tryouts Today!

Attention all SU athletes, Water Curling tryouts will take place today at the Robertson Center Pool at 7 pm. SU is looking for new athletes to start the official Water Curling team of the college. The season for Water Curling lasts till late May, and requires you to pass a basic swim test.
The sport discovered in 1994 by Adam Wingard, consists of 2 teams using floating curling stones and attempting to float their stone closest to a flag located in the center of the pool. Each team gets 3 plays, each with 6 turns and 6 stones, alternating turns until no stones are left to float. In Water Curling there are only 2 positions for players on the team. The Center releases the floating stone on the shallow side of the pool, pushing the stone as far as they can towards the flag. The Floaters are in the pool, and their main job is to get the stone to the other side of the pool. There are 2 Floaters per round on each side of the pool. The Floaters are not allowed to touch the stone, but rather move it by splashing or sending strong currents through the water. Touching the stone will result in a penalty and a deduction of points. The Floaters have either 1 minute or 30 seconds to get the stone as close as possible to the flag, depending on the division of the competition. Points are determined by distance from the flag and players switch every play.
Practices will take place a week after tryouts and those chosen will learn many techniques. If you have any questions feel free to contact coach Sarah James for more information. Boys and girls divisions are looking for 9 players for each team so get your swim trunks, goggles, mouth guard, and April Fools!