The Megaphone

Williams Reads Postmaster So You Don’t Have To

By Michelle Hershberger

Students seeking inside information about happenings at Southwestern can turn to Booty Talk, a weekly web series produced by junior communication major Hailee Williams.

Booty Talk is a quick way for people to get the gist of what is going on around campus,” Williams said.

Williams came up with the idea for a visual component to news surrounding SU, particularly events highlighted in Postmaster.

Postmaster focuses on very specific events,” Williams said. “I’m trying to cherry pick news on campus everyone should know about.”

Segments for the show include issues students care about most, like where to get free food on campus, as well as interviews and recaps of big events throughout the week. Episodes will be produced weekly or biweekly and are 3-5 minutes long.

Booty Talk is an independent study for Williams and she spends several hours writing and producing each episode. She had a background with video production in high school and hopes to enter a related field as a career.

“Looking toward the future, I would want to venture toward television, writing and creating content and interpreting news,” Williams said.

This is Williams’ last semester on campus, as she plans to participate in the New York Arts Program in the fall and graduate in December.

“As I thought about it, I realized this can be my legacy at Southwestern,” Williams said. “This is my last semester at SU and I would love for this to be something that continued.”

Booty Talk can be accessed through its’ Facebook page or Twitter account, @bootytalksu.