The Megaphone

How to Get an Internship

When it comes to entering the workforce after school, nothing looks better on a resume than already having work experience, especially if that work is in your field. Unfortunately, preparing for and navigating the complicated world of internships can be more than a little bit intimidating. Luckily, Southwestern’s Career Services department is here to help.

There’s a reason Southwestern’s Career Services are ranked fourth best in the nation – they provide students and alumni with all kinds of opportunities and can help you find internships that not only will look good on your resume, but will also suit you and your major.

Beyond the typical resources offered by Career Services, including resume templates and job listings, many resources can be found specifically for finding internships, including academic internships. An academic internship is an internship that also counts for college credit.

While it’s necessary to schedule an appointment with Career Services to begin the journey of finding the right internship for you, their website makes it easy to picture what kind of opportunities might be available for you. The website lists sample internships available in Georgetown, Austin, and other Texas cities. However, the choices don’t stop there. Career Services can also help you find internships in different parts of the country and even overseas if you’re planning to study abroad.

If you are considering internships outside of Texas, both the New York Arts Program and the Washington Semester are worth looking into. The New York Arts Program allows students to work in with companies in the arts, such as television stations, publishing houses, museums, and art studios. The Washington Semester allows students to work in the country’s capital in areas varying from politics to architecture. Students in the past have had the opportunity of working in places like the Smithsonian Museum and the Department of State. Both the New York Arts Program and the Washington Semester are available to all students regardless of major.

You can also learn about internships by reading Career Services’ internship news on their website. The news includes everything from the success stories of previous students, which can give you a better idea of where you might be able to work and how your internship may benefit you beyond simply boosting your resume. On this same page, Career Services also includes key factors in securing internships and how to get started.

Finding an internship with a good company can be both challenging and terrifying, but Career Services helps remove a significant amount of stress from the process. They’ve already placed dozens of Southwestern students in successful internships, and their success stories speak for themselves. With their help, an internship can be more than just a resume builder – it can become a life changing experience.