Greg Abbott ended the Texas mask mandate on March 13th, just in time for us to enjoy Spring Break. Oh, wait, Southwestern does not have one this year. Oh well! We can stay in the Austin-area and go to Abbott’s party at his governor’s mansion instead. Though his mansion was previously closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, now that the pandemic is over, we can go over his place.
Maybe we can invite the elderly people that walk around the Georgetown Square to come to the party, also? They have been practicing for this, not wearing masks around the Square long before the mask mandate was repealed. They seem friendly; they always smile with teeth at me as I stay six feet away from them with my mask on. The nearby Sun City nursing home will be relieved at the news that the COVID pandemic has ended, and that elderly people are not at high risk of getting COVID anymore! Come all to 1010 Colorado Street, Austin, Texas 78701!
Happy April Fools.