The Megaphone

Meditation Club Hosts ‘Meditation on the Mall’

The last few weeks of school are nothing but stressful in preparation for finals for some people and graduation for others. From endless amounts of caffeinated drinks to pulling all-nighters in the library, students are awake all hours of the day and night studying for their next test.

If students are looking for a way to relax, take a break from studying, or simply reenergize, the Meditation Club is hosting it’s very first “Meditation on the Mall” event May 1st from 5-6 pm. Whether one is a student, faculty member, an inexperienced or experienced practitioner, or simply a member of the Georgetown community, this school-wide event is meant to help anyone find some peace of mind for the intense week ahead.

Sam McCready, president of the Meditation club, have high hopes for future years in which he plans to make this event an annual occurrence but for now enjoys the idea of everyone coming out and participating in this three-month project finally coming true.

“Meditation on the Mall” is a one-day event of guided meditation led by Adam Sultan who is an experienced instructor from the Austin Shambhala Meditation Center. He will be giving a brief talk about all things meditation related and have an open question and answer session for the audience.

“He seems like a very confident person to lead the meditation and we’re very excited for it. I think it’ll be a great way for people who have never done meditation or even for people who have to come together at a communal event right before finals just de-stress and relax,” Sam says.

The Meditation Club has been up and running for a little while now and consists of other officers including Vice President, Dax Collison and Sebastian Villamil as secretary.

“Next year will be a little different since I’ll be leaving in the fall to study abroad. We’re still working on who will take over but my plan is to continue with the Meditation club next year,” Sam says.

Meditation has always been something very personal to Sam McCready and he hopes to share this passion with others just as his own family sparked his interest in meditating as a way to cleanse the body and mind.

“I’ve realized that there are a lot of people out there that want to do meditation but just don’t know or are even afraid to do it because it’s a little different. I have personally found it to be an incredible way to reenergize. So far, I’ve found a pretty nice niche,” Sam said.

He stressed the importance of this event as a way of showing others that this can be one of the healthiest and easiest ways to refocus.

According to their Facebook page, The Meditation Club as a whole is aimed at “promoting wellness of the mind, body and spirit. Through the practice of meditation, [their] goal is to discover a deeper sense of peace, ease, and serenity that [everyone] can carry forth into their everyday lives.”

The club meets weekly every Friday and sometimes has special meetings Thursday evenings. As of now, the club has about 24 active members.